Celebrating our history through film
Back to Square One, the inspiring documentary that celebrates 75 years of our media ministry, premiered at Landmark Cinemas Grant Park in Winnipeg on October 19, 2022, and has completed a run of additional screening events in Manitoba, across Canada and at many festivals across the continent.
We’ve often celebrated milestone years with a gathering. But for 75 years, as a ministry that is uniquely based on storytelling through media, we made a documentary…
To tell the story of what God has done...
For 75 years, God has been supplying all that is needed: the idea and the courage to get started, the passion and the momentum to keep going and the creativity and expertise to produce media
– the most powerful way to communicate truth at this time.
...to honor our history...
The passion of so many people to serve God, the impact on the audience and the vital contribution of supporters who pray and donate.
...and to inspire viewers for the future.
Long-time supporters as well as those who have never heard of Square One are all invited to watch the documentary. We want to inspire all kinds of people to get in on the adventure God set out for us over 75 years ago.
Watch the trailer
Watch the film

Generous support for the documentary and our 2022 screening events were provided by