Get Involved
Back to Square One, the inspiring documentary that celebrates 75 years of our media ministry, premiered at Landmark Cinemas Grant Park in Winnipeg on October 19, 2022, and has completed a run of additional screening events in southern Manitoba and at festivals across North America.
We are pleased to offer The HIStory Giving Project as a way of ensuring the longevity and legacy of Square One World Media both as a charitable organization and as a community.
Square One is partnering with Kingdom Ventures and Bridges for Peace to host an Inter-church Prayer Vigil for Peace in Ukraine. All three ministries are committed to helping the people of Ukraine and Russia find hope and peace, in spite of the horrible suffering brought on by the war.

Square One World Media Inc. is accountable for every dollar that the organization raises and spends, with our Board of Directors ensuring accountability and transparency of the organization’s financial practices.
We operate on a January to December fiscal year. Prior to the start of each new fiscal year, a fundraising goal amount for each project is established.