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Faith Comes Alive in Latin America

By Ingrid Koss

“Poverty, violence, and loss of hope live side by side for many Latin Americans.” This is what Ernesto Pinto, Director of Spanish Media at Square One, has experienced in over 25 years of ministering to Spanish-speaking people.

Tackling difficult topics like unemployment, poor health, addictions, abuse, and marriage breakdown makes our Spanish media relevant to millions of viewers and listeners. The audience is moved by what they encounter in the programs, and many of them contact us for prayer.

  • Elia from Colombia calls on WhatsApp. Her voice breaks as she describes her difficult financial situation, and her 16 year old son living on the streets as a drug addict.

  • Roberto asks us to pray for his wife who has diabetes, that he won’t lose his job, and for financial help for his family.

  • Sandra writes, "Thank you for the programs and blogs on the website. I was full of doubt and pain but I accepted Jesus and now I trust the Lord will help me change everything. I beg you to pray for me: I’m a single mother in a terrible situation!”

“We want to help our people, but it is difficult,” says Ernesto. “We offer spiritual hope, but they are looking for physical hope.”

Ernesto explains that most Latin Americans already have religion; they know church doctrine, but they don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus. 2 Corinthians 3:17 says, “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”

That’s the kind of hope our Spanish programs bring: the freedom of knowing the Lord.

Encuentro (Encounter), Encuentro Familiar (Family Encounter), and 180 Grados (180 Degrees) are all testimony based. Our Spanish team works hard to collect impactful interviews so they can produce creative and gripping programs. Listeners and viewers hear stories of real people – people just like themselves – whose lives changed when they began to put their trust in Jesus.

“Through the stories of people whose lives were transformed as they live out their faith – then they see the doctrine come alive,” says Ernesto.

Often, the people who are impacted by the programs also want to share their story. People like Ziela.

“In a difficult time in my life, the Encuentro program gave the strength I needed and blessed me. Even though my marriage had been destroyed, God restored it. I would like to share my life story with others.”

Ernesto sees how God is using the Spanish programs and considers it a miracle. And watching people come to know the hope and freedom that only a living faith in Jesus can give—that is the encounter that matters.

¡Libertad, Fe, Esperanza! (Freedom, Faith, Hope!)

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