Anticipation is growing for Irene’s 3rd book: “God Gives Me the Privilege of Being a Woman” (“Gott jeft mie daut Väarajcht eene Fru to sennen”). Written with wisdom and sensitivity, “God Gives Me the Privilege” continues the theme of what it means to be a woman in an ultra-conservative religious community that was begun with Irene’s 2nd book, “My Body, a Gift from God” (“Mien Kjarpe, een Jeschenkj von Gott!”)
“God Gives Me the Privilege” explores the important and unique gifts each woman – as daughter, wife, mother, grandmother, widow or single – offers her family and community. This book is a very practical resource that includes relational advice based on Scripture, first aid tips, a 9-month illustrated guide to pregnancy for mother and child, and an invitation for readers to commit their lives to Jesus.

Through her ministry as a radio host and public speaker, Irene has gained the trust of Low German-speaking women across the Americas. Her experience as a nurse makes her uniquely qualified to speak on topics of health, sexuality and reproduction.
The success of Irene’s 2nd book, “My Body,” attracted the interest of the public sector as well; those who provide government, health and social services to Low German-speaking communities see Irene’s writing and experience as a valuable resource.
The 2019 Low German Networking Conference, sponsored by MCC, will be held in Winkler, Manitoba on May 23. This annual conference helps service providers understand the religious and cultural implications of working with this unique population.
Irene will host a workshop at the conference, “A Holistic Approach to Family Health”, and also release “God Gives me the Privilege”. The book will be available for purchase at Square One after May 23, 2019. Contact Nora Plett (