By Ingrid Koss

The Square One staff and board members who hosted the screening of the documentary at North Kildonan M.B. Church in Winnipeg on October 23.
The first screening of the documentary, Back to Square One, was held on Wednesday, October 19, at Landmark Cinemas Grant Park in Winnipeg. To premiere the documentary that celebrates 75 years of ministry at Square One, it was fitting that the seating capacity of the theatre was… 75.
The crowd who filled out the theatre was made up of supporters, past staff, and radio contest winners from CHVN. Responses to the documentary were enthusiastically positive, with descriptors like “Fabulous!” “Awesome!” and “Exhilarating!”
Four more film screenings were held in churches: in Winnipeg, Boissevain, Steinbach, and Winkler. An online event on October 30 was held for those who couldn’t come to the in-person events. In each case, audiences responded with an interesting mix of joyful enthusiasm and subdued thoughtfulness.
We are grateful to each person who agreed to be in the documentary. Each interview was a delight, with memories and insights and laughter, and even tears. Thank you for sharing your stories.
We recognize that there are so many people who worked and supported and volunteered at the ministry but were not mentioned in the documentary. We want to recognize that their contribution was just as valuable, and thank them for modelling a life of faithfulness to God.
Thank you to all of our sponsors for making the screening events possible. A special mention to our presenting sponsor, The Bill and Margaret Fast Family Foundation, and to our gold sponsor, Goldenwest Broadcasting.
For those who were not able to take in any of the six screenings offered in the fall, we have a special Christmas Gift for you. For a limited time, Back to Square One will be available online. Watch it for free at between December 23 and January 2.
Finally, we want to thank God who invites us to join the adventure of sharing the Gospel, and then provides the opportunities for us to do so!
“We thoroughly enjoyed the evening!! It was wonderful again to see how this ministry with many changes keeps the focus on Jesus!!” – Walter & Ruth, Grant Park Cinema, Winnipeg
“My heart is being stretched. Back to Square One is a true work of art, a powerful testimony to God's grace, the faithful service of staff and volunteers, as well as all the donors involved through prayer and emotional and financial support.” – Pat, Steinbach.
“Back to Square One was a good mix of background information and personal stories that kept me eager to hear more. A really well-done and inspiring film.” – Rick, Winkler.
“Just watched the Square One World Media documentary and loved it. I guess what impressed me most was seeing the faithfulness of God’s people over the years, trusting in God and His calling.” – George, Online
“THANK YOU!!! Enjoyed your film of the history of Square One very much. Just wondering if you will be making it available to review again, and sharing with others?” – Art, Online