Natalia Chernomor, on the set of the "Pro Stosoonki" podcast
“When I look at you, I feel like I can trust you,” say Natalia’s followers on Facebook.
Natalia Chernomor produces and hosts the Pro Stosoonki (Pro Relationship) podcast at The Bible Today studio in Ukraine.
Many people write to her for advice about relationships. They may have a lot of friends, but they don’t have anyone they can talk to about the significant issues in their lives. Like Polina.
Polina had lost hope in both God and marriage, so she messaged Natalia.
“Tonight I couldn’t sleep, and for some reason I thought of you,” she wrote. “I thought, maybe there is still something that can change. Can we meet?”
Now Polina keeps in touch with Natalia. She prays again. She even feels hope for her marriage.
According to Worldpopulationreview.com, Ukraine has the 4th highest divorce rate in the world. That’s a lot of broken hearts, and a lot of kids growing up without seeing a good relationship modelled.
Young adults in Ukraine don’t want to repeat their parents’ mistakes.
That’s why Natalia has been teaching good relationship skills – beginning with faith in God – through live events and radio programs for many years. The Pro Stosoonki podcast continues in the same vein… just in a new format.
“Young people are on social media, so that’s where I need to be,” she says.
Social media creates a natural chain reaction that passes the message on at an astonishing rate. It works on the principle of the popular 1980s TV commercial: "So I told two friends, and they told two friends, and so on, and so on, and so on…."
The first believers in Jesus already knew this principle. We can read one example of it in John 1:35-42.
“As Jesus walked by, John declared, ‘Look! The Lamb of God!’ When John’s two disciples heard this, they followed Jesus. One of them went to find his brother, Simon Peter, and brought him to Jesus.”
Like the first believers in Jesus, The Bible Today keeps telling their followers about Jesus, knowing they will pass the message on to many others. And it’s working!
Natalia’s son, Andrey Chernomor, posts daily Scripture images and short Gospel videos on The Bible Today’s Instagram page. Then many of their 22,000 daily subscribers share the videos, images and podcasts on their own personal pages.
“So many people thank us for the media we post,” explains Andrey. “It makes it easy for them to simply share about Jesus with their friends, and they like being able to do that.”
The best part is when non-believers who see The Bible Today’s media through friends come to Natalia or Andrey to ask faith-related questions.
That’s when our partners in Ukraine can bring people to Jesus.
But they can’t do it alone! Your gift of $50 or $150 or $500 or whatever you’re able to give means that Ukrainian speakers all over the world will share the only message that’s worth repeating: about a life-giving relationship with Jesus Christ!
A lot of news gets passed on through social media. With your help, it can be the best news ever!