Book Launch in Guatemala

On November 13, Paul Boge joined Ernesto and Marina Pinto in Guatemala for the book launch of El niño del bananal: La historia de Ernesto Pinto, the Spanish translation of The Sound of Hope: the Ernesto Pinto Story written by Paul and released in 2019. The event was a celebration, with music by popular Latin singer Leonel Tuchez, readings from the book, and sharing by both Paul and Ernesto.
The evening was also emotional as people came from far and near to receive the book and meet Ernesto and Marina. One 83-year-old woman volunteered to help the Encuentro ministry as needed. One long-time Encuentro listener drove 6 hours to be there. Others spoke about the impact the radio programs Encuentro and Encuentro Familiar have had in their lives.

Paul and Ernesto at the signing table after the program. "It was exciting to see Paul signing the book and taking pictures with everyone who bought a copy," says Marina. "We were happy to be with the wonderful people of Guatemala who accept us and our ministry with love."
Family Retreat in Colorado
From November 5 -7, Ernesto and Marina joined the Rock of Refuge (Roca de Refugio) Church in Glenwood Springs, Colorado for a celebration weekend that focussed on “Strengthening our families and marriages”. As the guest speaker, Ernesto preached on the responsibility parents have to teach children about Jesus, and the responsibility each of us has to reach our communities for Christ.
Says Marina, “I thank God for the opportunity to serve our Hispanic brothers and sisters from different countries. I am amazed that, wherever we go, the Love of Christ gives us love for people we didn’t know before and unites us in a special way.”

Above: the weekend ended with a prayer time for families to come forward. Some were reconciled with the Lord, while others accepted Christ as their Saviour.
Left: Ernesto and Marina enjoying the Saturday night banquet that was prepared by two professional chefs who are members of the congregation.
Radio Interviews in Paraguay
Heriberto Ayala, Production Assistant for Spanish media projects, was in Paraguay this summer visiting family. While there, he spoke as a guest on several radio shows in Filadelfia, Chaco.
Above, left: Heriberto in the ZP30 studio, speaking on Walk Together, a counselling program he co-founded before moving to Canada. For this episode, Pastor Ederson Hein interviews Heriberto about his experience in Canada, his ministry in the church, and his work with Encuentro.
Above, right: In an interview with Sergio Maldonado of RCC FM Radio (Red Chaqueña de Comunicación), Heriberto talks about his ministry in Canada, barriers and opportunities, and reflects on overcoming obstacles in the midst of the pandemic.