Additional Resources
Square One World Media has produced a wide variety of Christ-centred programming over the years. Although some projects no longer actively produce new media, these resources are still available for you to use and learn from.

Low German Resources
Square One provides many additional Low German resources such as print material, books, audio and video files, recorded music, and Low German Bibles.

The New Eve
Arabic video that cuts right to the
heart of difficult issues faced by
young Arabic-speaking women,
wherever in the world they live.
A Skoop of Life
English podcast that features personal stories and spiritual insights by host
Sherryl Koop, accompanied by
the music of Canadian artists.
Micah's Super Vlog
English cartoon for children that teaches Christian values through topics such as loving your enemies, forgiveness,
and friendship.

Micah's Super Vlog Chapter Books
Published in partnership with Minno Press & Hachette Book Group, chapter books for kids pair with the Micah’s Super Vlog cartoons to share the love of Jesus with families through reading.